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ESU – U Care Bursary and Scholarship Awards 2021

Dear Members,

ESU – U Care Bursary and Scholarship Education and ESU Learning Award is back again this year! This initiative aims to assist our lower-income union members defray the cost of their children’s school expenses for the new school year. 

Application period: 1 Dec 2021 (Wednesday) to 3 Jan 2022 (Monday)

Application forms can be found below:

  1. Bursary and Scholarship Awards
  2. Learning Award

Please make sure to submit your application with full supporting documents by 12pm on 3 Jan 2022. Any incomplete applications or late submissions will be rejected.

Kindly read below on the selection criteria to find out whether you qualify for the ESU Bursary and Scholarship Awards.

A. Eligibility Criteria

  • The award is open to all ESU Ordinary Branch (OB) members and Directly-Serviced General Branch (DSGB).
  • Member must be paid-up member with at least 3 months of continuous membership at the point of application. There must be no outstanding membership fees due.
  • Must be schooling in 2022, regardless of graduation month.
  • Members whose children are currently applying, receiving or have received bursary/scholarship award from other Unions / Fairprice Edu Grant for year 2021 are not eligible to apply for the award.
  • Not more than 2 school-going children (based on NRIC no. / Birth Cert no.) from the same family may apply for ESU Bursary & Scholarship Awards.

B. Selection Criteria

  • Income Criteria:
    1. Household Income: <$3,400
    2. Per Capita: <$850 (+ $50.00)
    3. Scholarship: No income criteria
  • Academic Criteria:
    1. Pass ALL subjects
    2. Must submit result slips (preferably mid-year & finals; if not either / or)
    3. PSLE to follow up with PSLE result slip
  • Other Criteria:
    1. Attendance for successful applicants at the award presentation ceremony is COMPULSORY. Applicants are not allowed to nominate proxies to collect the award on their behalf.
    2. Applicants will be informed of the success of their application(s) and the confirmed date and details of the award presentation ceremony via post.
    3. Successful applicants who absent themselves from the award ceremony would have forfeited their awards.
    4. For members with arrears but union is aware of members financial background due to critical illness and other circumstances and children obtained good results, union will check with member if can clear membership outstanding fees before selection.


Q: What is the difference between Bursary and Scholarship?

A: The bursary award is intended to help lower-income families cope with expenses of preparing their child for the new school year. The scholarship award is intended to acknowledge good academic results of the child.

Q: What is the income criterion to be eligible for the Award?

A: $3,400 monthly gross household income or $850 per capita if gross household income exceeds $3,400.

Q: What are the selection cri
teria for the Award?

A: Child MUST minimally pass all subjects and fulfill the income criteria. No more than TWO (02) school-going children (based on NRIC no. / Birth cert. no.) from the same family may be awarded the award. Selection of awardees will be done by the ESU Care and Share committee after the closing date.

Q: Where can I get the application form?

A: Application form can be downloaded from ESU website:

Q: How to submit the application form?

A: Application forms must be duly completed and submitted with the relevant supporting documents. Forms must reach ESU via post or fax or email to ESU HQ by 12pm, Monday, 3rd January 2022.

Q: If my child is awaiting
his/her O level results for exams taken in 2021, is he/she eligible to apply for the Award?

A: Yes. Please submit your child’s mid-year and year-end results for 2021.

Q: Can I appeal if my child’s application was unsuccessful?

A: We regret that the decision of the Selection Committee is final.

Q: If my child received or intends to apply for other education awards this year, can he/she still apply?

A: No, members whose children are currently applying, receiving or received scholarship/ bursary award from other organisations for year 2021 (except MOE Edusave Awards – ECHA, ES, ESA, EAGLES, GPA) are not eligible to apply for the award.

Q: When will I be informed of the status of my application?

A: Applicants will be informed of the status of their application(s) via post by end of February 2022.

Q: When is the presentation ceremony?

A: The tentative date for the award presentation is Saturday, 12th March 2022, morning.

Q: Where is the presentation ceremony?

A: Applicants will be informed of the confirmed date and details of the award presentation via post with the status of their application(s).

Q: If I am unable to attend the presentation ceremony, can I send a proxy?

A: Attendance is COMPULSORY, successful applicants who absent themselves from the award presentation are deemed to forfeit their award(s).

Q: How can I ensure that ESU has received my application form?

A:  You will receive an SMS from ESU by Friday, 21st January 2022 to confirm our receipt of your application.

Q: Who may I contact for enquiries?

A: For enquiries, please contact Ms. Roziah Latip at Tel: 6872 1148 ext 11, or email:


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